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January 06, 2015

Japanese KitKats - beni-imo flavour

Hello, Foodies! Today we're gonna finish our first battle. Opponent for golden citrus flavour will be... beni-imo (紅いも) which means red potato (literally crimson potato). But it's not really red potato flavour. Want to know why?

Well... Name can be a little bit misleading because we don't translate things word by word and we don't write about red pontiac potato here. In Japan there are very popular vegetables called purple potato. They taste similar to regular sweet potato, but have incredibly vivid purple color.

This taste was limited only to Okinawa (and partly Kyūshū) region. What's the reason? Beni-imo is native to the southern Japanese island. You can find this subtropical region on the map below:

What's my opinion about the taste? Well... as you probably know (or you can read hereI hate potatoes. And I hate them not because of taste, but mainly because of farinaceous texture. It's the reason why I don't like azuki beans and potatoes very much. This is not just a potato though. It's a sweet that's potato flavored. In the end its texture was surprisingly okay for me. Just like every KitKat is - melty chocolate with crispy wafers inside.

Taste of sweet potato is totally odd for me. Coating is sweet like white chocolate, but there's a strange aftertaste to it. It was propably this unique purple potato. This aftertaste is hard to define, but it's not horrible at all. But I'm not sure finally...

Overally, beni-imo KitKat was good for me, but slightly too sweet. But I had a chance to try something different and extremely rare in Poland.

 7 / 10 

Hello, Veti here and here's another KitKat flavour for you

Today we have a chocolate-coated wafer from Nestle that has a very unusual taste and that is a sweet Japanese potato called beni-imo. I would like to mention that similarly to Wu. I don't like potato taste that much.

So, after tasting this KitKat I can say that beni-imo is... worse than regular Polish potatoes. The mixture of sweet potato and chocolate is totally bland for me or even nauseating. At the beginning the taste of this KitKat is quite OK but after that the quintessence of potato taste slaps us in a face.

Beni-imo KitKat gets yawarakai rate from me, which is just weak 3 out of 10.

So... the winner of  the first KitKat battle is... golden citrus.