いらっしゃいませ!Look, how many amazing Japanese things we have here! =(^_^)=

February 28, 2015

Japanese KitKats - wasabi flavour

Hello, Foodies! Today we will finish 8th KitKat battle. We're slowly approaching the end of this serie. Today we will try wasabi flavour of KitKat. Can you imagine sweet wafer with wasabi touch?!

February 24, 2015

Japanese KitKat - banira aisu flavour

Hello, Foodies! Today I have for you a short review of vanilla ice cream flavoured KitKat. I love vanilla ice-cream but what about these wafers?! Can't wait to check them out!

February 21, 2015

Japanese Kitkats - otona no amasa - matcha flavour

Hello, Foodies. Today we will try the last KitKat from "otona no amasa" edition - matcha flavour. What about chocolate wafers with very expensive, Japanese high quality powdered green tea? Check it out :)

February 19, 2015

Japanese KitKats - otona no amasa - amaou strawberry flavour

Hello, Foodies! Sorry I made you wait for a new sweet review so long, but I was so stressed out with the university stuff, I just didn't want to share my bad mood with you. Today though, I solemnly declare, I'm ready for the next term with passed exams and prepared schedule. And I chilled out totally, so we can talk about otona no amasa - amaou strawberry flavoured KitKat.

February 14, 2015

Japanese KitKats - Valentine's Day Yumegari special!

Hello Foodies! It is Valentine’s Day! Do you know how Japanese people spend it and how sweets come into play on this day? While men give presents to women on White Day in March, on Valentine’s day Japanese women give chocolates to their significant others! As WuNoRei, on this very special occasion, we give to all of you a new chocolaty review of a KitKat. It’s not just any KitKat though. It’s an almond Feuillantine KitKat brought to you by Yumegari – a Polish online shop selling products ranging from Japanese comic books and stuffed alpacas to sweets and snacks, also known for selling products at anime conventions. I think it’s time we cut to the chase! :)
Witajcie, Łakomczuszki! Czy wiecie, jak Japończycy spędzają Walentynki i jak ważną rolę tym dniu pełnią łakocie? W czasie japońskich Walentynek kobiety obdarowują swoich ukochanych czekoladkami! Nie martwcie się jednak, mężczyźni nie zostają kobietom dłużni i podczas marcowego White Day obdarowują swoje kobiety prezentami różnej maści. Natomiast my - WuNoRei w ten dzień mamy dla Was słodką recenzję kolejnego KitKat-a. Nie jest to jednak KitKat wypełniony cytrusową mocą ani smakiem słodkiego ziemniaka. To migdałowy KitKat w sam raz na Walentynki zakupiony przez nas u Yumegarikonwentowo-internetowym sklepie wypełnionym nie tylko japońskimi słodyczami, ale również mangą, pluszakami czy gadżetami dla każdego kto interesuje się kulturą Kraju Kwitnącej Wiśni. Pora spojrzeć z czym to się je! (ha!)

February 10, 2015

Japanese KitKats - otona no amasa - rum flavour

Warning! Warning! We're starting a very special battle here! We will introduce you to a very unique KitKats for adults - Feuillantine. Check out this tiny and delicious sample in a "way-around-macro" quality, ha! 

February 08, 2015

Japanese KitKats - otona chocolate flavour

Hello, Foodies! Today we will finish the 5th KitKat battle and the first battle of January with kinda inconspicuous flavour of... chocolate. Is it good enough to beat the shinshu apple?! I can't wait to check it out!

February 04, 2015

Japanese KitKats - shinshu apple flavour

Hello Foodies! It's time to start February in a fresh and fruity way! :3 Today we will check out KitKat's flavour of shinshu apple. Is it worth ordering from Japan just to try it?