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February 08, 2015

Japanese KitKats - otona chocolate flavour

Hello, Foodies! Today we will finish the 5th KitKat battle and the first battle of January with kinda inconspicuous flavour of... chocolate. Is it good enough to beat the shinshu apple?! I can't wait to check it out!

First of all, we can find something interesting on the packaging: logo of YouTube with an invitation to search for Nestle's new campaign. We can do this by searching "ネスレシアター" ("Nesureshiatā"), which means "Nestle theater". Kinda interesting way of advertising, isn't it?

Secondly, it's the first KitKat from "オトナの 甘さ" (otona no amasa = adult's sweetness) series which we can try. Wafers from this series are dedicated to adults, they may contain a little bit of alcohol and are usually less sweet than regular ones. This time we just have less sweet chocolate, it's all.

What's next, this KitKat isn't region-limited at all. Surprising, uh? It's just a chocolate coating with crushed dark chocolate cookie bits inside. Seems kinda dully...

...and it is. Very usual! It's good, but it tastes like thousands other chocolate wafers coated in chocolate. I really tried to find something more... but I couldn't. It's totally not worth ordering from a faraway Japan.

 5 / 10 

So... here we have the winner of 5th battle. It's shinshu apple without a doubt. 

Here's Veti again!

Otona milk chocolate Kitkat doesn't seem to be a novelty. It hasn't got any fruit or intresting flavour. From this sweet I was expecting some premium quality.

After I tried it I was very upset. It tastes just normal and I have to repeat what Wu. said. Very usual! It is very similar to hundreds of other chocolate waffers. :( I can't describe the taste of this Kitkat in other way. It doesn't even have a better kind of chocolate or anything.

A good word to describe otona milk chocolate Kitkat is just "mehh". You can try this one, but there are a lot of better flavoured products of Nestle.
That's why I give otona milk chocolate Kitkat heikin rate, 4 out of 10.

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