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February 28, 2015

Japanese KitKats - wasabi flavour

Hello, Foodies! Today we will finish 8th KitKat battle. We're slowly approaching the end of this serie. Today we will try wasabi flavour of KitKat. Can you imagine sweet wafer with wasabi touch?!

Wasabi KitKat is limited to Shizuoka as you can see on the map below. I think it's because Shizuoka is famous as a birthplace of wasabi (Japanese horseradish) which is now extremely popular seasoning, not only in Japan.

People love to buy souvenirs when they go somewhere for a trip. So why not to buy extremely rare flavoured wafers instead of trashy figurines? Nestle made a good job with this Shizuoka limited KitKat edition.

We were a little bit afraid of this flavour. We love wasabi but in its "natural" form ex. green spot next to the piece of sushi. Wasabi chocolate wafers sound kinda strange for us.

And yeah, it was kind of "WTF" for me. I'm not even sure it was positive or negative, because I've never thought about preparing wasabi... the sweet way - and I'm surprised it's really possible! These wafers are very sweet with soft wasabi aftertaste. Not vapid and not too strong.

If you're searching for untypical flavour it's definitely must-try for you. Maybe I'm old fashioned but I'd rather prefer just very hot wasabi paste than crazy sweet and hot variations. ;)

 5 / 10 

And with this kinda low grade we finished the weakest battle in the history of KitKats on WunoRei. Wasabi flavour is the winner, but I'm not sure it's a big distinction this time. ^^

1 comment:

  1. Ja znowu kompletnie nie mogę się przemóc do wasabi, więc omijam szerokim łukiem wszystko, co z tym smakiem związane.
