いらっしゃいませ!Look, how many amazing Japanese things we have here! =(^_^)=

March 20, 2013

Meiji - Cola up! jelly

Today's the time for jellies by Meiji. Flavor: cola with... strawberries. It's kinda untypical mix of taste, don't you think?

Again, something that can be bought in Okashi shop. 

March 06, 2013

Meiji - Apollo Strawberry Chocolates

Hello again. ^^ Today I present to you my review of popular sweet by MeijiApollo is a pack of small strawberry chocolate pieces... Also, this time I'll tell you where you can buy them¹... in extremely good price.

March 04, 2013

Kasugai - ミルクお抹茶

Hello, everybody. Today I'll tell you few words about  ミルクお抹茶 ( ミルクお まっちゃ, miruku o matcha), i.e. hard milk candies flavored with my beloved matchaKasugai company again.

March 01, 2013

Kasugai - Ume ame candy

Hello, Foodies! Today I have for you short note about extremaly tasty, japanese plum flavoured candies made by Kasugai.