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March 07, 2015

Japanese KitKat - custard pudding flavour

Hello, Foodies! Today we will finish the last KitKat battle. I want you to know that I was waiting all this time to try this KitKat, because it's kind of special one. You can bake it before eating and of course we tried it this way! Check out, how it turned out!

I was very surprised with idea of "baked chocolate wafers" and... of course I had to try them. It's very simple to make them: just bake in oven or small, cheap "grill-toaster" as we did (we don't have an oven in our student's flat so we need to muddle through it somehow ^^). But look! Baked wafer looks awesome!

...and it tastes awesome too! It's very sweet, caramel like and crunchy. Baking sweets is very cool idea for me. It tastes like oat cookies made with honey. It's a little bit too sweet for me (one wafer is totally enough) but it's so untypical and awesome in texture it receives from me:

 9 / 10 

What's the result of this battle? Well, for the first (and the last) time we have a tie here. Matcha and custard pudding are both awesome. Maybe matcha is more in my taste, but I can't skip the awesome idea of preparing the second one because of that uniqueness of texture and overall feeling. So we have a tie here. Both matcha and custard pudding received extremely good grades and I would reccomend it to you with clear mind.

1 comment:

  1. Czego to Ci japońce nie wymyślą. haha Ale faktycznie wygląda super i sama z miłą chęcią bym go spróbowała! *q*
