Warning! Warning! We're starting a very special battle here! We will introduce you to a very unique KitKats for adults - Feuillantine. Check out this tiny and delicious sample in a "way-around-macro" quality, ha!
The Feuillantine KitKat gets its name from "en feuillantine" which means ultra-thin sheets of pastry in French. Inside the dessert chocolate coating, these sweets contains feuillantine well balanced with cocoa wafers and rum powder.
It is the next KitKat from "Otona no amasa" edition, which means it's dedicated only for adults. It contains small amounts of alcohol and can't be consumed by children.
What about the taste? We only had a small sample to try, so I didn't have a chance to feast my mind on it. After a little nibble (because that's what it takes to eat it all) I can tell you that the flavour is very rich and the chocolate itseld is dessert rather than sweet. Soft aftertaste of liqueur goes well with the dark chocolate. "It would be perfect with a strong, black tea" I thought. Unfortunately, I didn't have one at time.
But, well... the taste is a little bit too typical for me and... too soft. I love dessert chocolates served with tea, but I expected something more from such a grandly advertised titbit.
7 / 10
Hello, Veti Here ;)
Feuillantine rum Kitkat seemed to be something special and elegant, its uniqueness and exceptional quality attracted my attention from the start.
When I tried it, I definitely felt the taste of premium quality chocolate, but I couldn't find the rum flavour in it. After all it's tasty, not too sweet chocolate-covered wafer.
So I give to this feuillantine Kitkat kokoroyoi grade, 6 out of 10.