いらっしゃいませ!Look, how many amazing Japanese things we have here! =(^_^)=


I'm just the dude that carries the bags.


I'm the copyreader, translator-reviser and the auxiliary writer. The Devourer.

Ladles and Jellyspoons,
I come before you, to stand behind you,
to tell you something I know nothing about. 
Next Thursday, the day after Friday,
there will be a mothers' meeting for fathers only.
Admission is free, pay at the door,
pull up a seat and sit on the floor.
We will be discussing the normalcy of Japan.


I'm tranquil as a forest but I'm on fire within. I experience short-lived enthusiasm over things. What I'm always enthusiastic about and what never changes is my love for evil-flavored japanese candies. What doesn't change either is that I sing a bunch, sleep for far too long, watch Youtube my entire existence and play that blocky game noone knows about. I have that je ne sais quoi. Oh, and I bolt potato chips.

Taste buds-wise I like:
- french fries
- more potato chips
- sour jellies

I loathe:
-certain vegetables
- too spicy food

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