いらっしゃいませ!Look, how many amazing Japanese things we have here! =(^_^)=

March 14, 2015

Japanese KitKats - summary

Hello, Foodies! We've finished KitKat battles! Now it's time for a short summary of the last two months on WunoRei, yay!

March 07, 2015

Japanese KitKat - custard pudding flavour

Hello, Foodies! Today we will finish the last KitKat battle. I want you to know that I was waiting all this time to try this KitKat, because it's kind of special one. You can bake it before eating and of course we tried it this way! Check out, how it turned out!

March 03, 2015

Japanese KitKat - matcha flavour

Hello crazy KitKat addicts! =(^_^)= Today we're going to start the last KitKat battle on WunoRei (well... at least for some time). Our special guest today will be matcha flavoured KitKat, but this time not "otona no amasa" edition. Oh, okay, wait... but is it really such a big difference?