いらっしゃいませ!Look, how many amazing Japanese things we have here! =(^_^)=

November 29, 2014

UHA - pleasant banana WTF

Hello, Foodies! Today I have for you something called ごきげんばなな (gokigen banana) made by UHA. Gokigen means something like "pleasant¹" (I think, but it's hard to say, because it's written in hiragana without any kanji) so here we have pleasant bananas, uh? WTF, Land of the Rising Sun?

November 20, 2014

Furuta - matcha sand cookies

Hello, Foodies. Today I have for you 濃厚抹茶サンドクッキー made by Furuta. What is it? I promise you, you won't find anything like this in our stores. :)

November 13, 2014

Yukiguni Aguri - 蒟蒻ゼリー

Hello, everyone! Today I have for you something special - mango jellies made with very unfamiliar (for European people of course) plant. So if you want to know what the hell is that sticky thing on the photo... keep reading. =(^_^)=

November 07, 2014

Glico - Kocochi - matcha chewing gum

Hello, Foodies! Today a few words about... chewing gum by Glico! It was a big surprise for me to find a matcha green tea flavored gum, I've never tried anything like this before!

November 06, 2014

I'm back again!

こんばんわ皆さん!Hello everyone! After a looong break I'm back again. My life calmed down a little bit and I don't have such crazy rollercoaster as before, so I can do something different than catching brutally separated pieces of my disordered life, ha! =(^_^)=